
Published 31 July 2023

How are drones becoming part of tv and sport?

Drones are used to record videos that a person couldn't film - because of the location or type of event. From capturing extreme mountain biking to creating mesmerising lightshows, drones redefine what is possible.

Drones are like awesome flying cameras that help make our TV shows and sports even more exciting to watch! 

In TV, drones can zoom through the air and capture amazing shots from above, showing us different angles of the action. It's like having a bird's-eye view of everything happening! 

They can follow athletes as they run, jump, and score in sports events, giving us a close-up look at all the action. Drones can also be like our sports reporters in the sky, showing us the best moments and highlights of the games. 

In TV shows, they can film thrilling scenes from high up in the sky or fly through tight spaces that regular cameras can't reach. 

Drones are like our little film-making helpers, and they make TV and sports even more fun and exciting to watch!

Watch this video from an extreme mountain biking event to see just what's possible.

Drones can also be used to make lightshow and display instead of fireworks, it's much safer and they can be programmed to music to make amazing shapes and designs. 

Watch this video of the world record for the biggest display ever!