
Published 27 July 2023

How are planes made?

Just how do you make a plane? How many people are involved? Where do you make them? Watch this video of an Airbus A350 being built to see just how it happens.

Making planes is like building amazing flying machines that can take us on exciting adventures in the sky! 

First, talented designers draw pictures of the plane, deciding how it will look and what cool features it will have. Then, skilled workers in big factories use strong metal and special materials to build the different parts of the plane, like the wings, body, and tail. 

They put all these parts together like a big puzzle, making sure everything fits just right. 

Next, the plane gets a shiny coat of paint to look beautiful and colorful! Once the plane is all put together, it goes through lots of tests to make sure it's safe and ready to fly. 

Engineers check the engines, the wings, and all the buttons inside to make sure everything works perfectly. It's like giving the plane a thorough check-up! 

Finally, when the tests are all done, the plane is ready to take us soaring through the clouds, to new places and exciting adventures! 

Making planes is a special and careful process that brings us these incredible flying machines to make our travels in the sky possible!