
Published 27 July 2023

How do air currents affect flights?

Did you know that it's faster to fly east than west? Watch this video where Henry Reich will explain how air currents affect a flight and make it longer and more expensive to fly west than east. You'll learn some weird facts to impress your family and friends!

Air currents are like invisible wind highways in the sky that airplanes use for their super fun flights! 

When planes take off, they need to know about these friendly wind paths. 

Air currents can be strong or gentle, and they can blow in different directions. Pilots and airplanes are like smart travelers that follow these wind highways to make their flights smoother and faster. 

Sometimes, planes can ride on these currents like surfing on a wave, and it makes them go really, really fast! 

Other times, they might have to fly against the currents, which can slow them down a bit. 

But don't worry, pilots are like skilled sky navigators, and they know how to use these air currents to make sure we have safe and exciting flights. 

Air currents are like a cool breeze helping airplanes in the sky, making our journeys among the clouds so much more enjoyable!