
Published 27 July 2023

How many flights are there each day?

Each day there can be thousands of flights going overhead. Watch this video to see a a map of all the flights that went over Europe in just one 38 hour period back in 2014. You'll be amazed by just how may there were.

Every day, the skies are filled with a whirlwind of airplanes going on amazing journeys! It's like a big dance of planes up above the clouds! 

Did you know that thousands and thousands of airplanes take off and land every single day? 

They carry people to visit new places, see their loved ones, and explore the world. Airplanes are like magical wings that help us travel far and wide, even across oceans and continents! 

They fly high above the Earth, like birds in the sky. From big cities to tiny islands, planes connect people all around the world. 

So the next time you look up and see airplanes soaring through the sky, remember that they're like friendly messengers carrying people to their dreams and adventures, making our big world feel a little bit smaller and closer together.