
Published 31 July 2023

The Future of Air Travel

Air travel has come a long way since the Wright Brothers made their first flight in 1903. Today, planes can travel faster, farther, and more comfortably than ever before. But what will the future of air travel look like? Let's take a look at some of the exciting changes that could be in store.

  • electric charging port
  • plane fusilage
  • lady in virtual reality headset
  • astronaut on earth with a suitcase
  • air traffic over a map of the earth
  • flying motorbikes on display

1. Electric planes

One of the most promising ideas in the future of air travel is electric planes. Instead of using fossil fuels (like petrol), these planes are powered by batteries, making them much more environmentally friendly. They are also much quieter than traditional planes, which is great news for people living near airports. While electric planes are still in the early stages, many experts believe they could become a common sight in the skies in the coming decades.

electric charging port

2. Supersonic travel

Supersonic travel is the ability to fly faster than the speed of sound, which is around 767 miles per hour. The Concorde, a supersonic plane, was used from the 19070s until it was retired in 2003 due to high costs and worries about noise pollution. But, new technology is being made that could make supersonic travel more likely in the future. These planes could reduce travel times, making a flight from New York to London take just a few hours.

plane fusilage

3. Virtual reality entertainment

Airlines are looking for ways to make flying even more fun for passengers. One idea is to add virtual reality (VR) technology into planes. Passengers could wear VR headsets that allow them to explore different worlds or watch movies in a fully immersive environment. This could help make long flights feel shorter and more entertaining.

lady in virtual reality headset

4. Space tourism

Space tourism is going to space for fun.  While space tourism is just starting, it's possible that it could become easier in the future. Several companies are working on making space tourism programs that would allow more people to travel beyond Earth's atmosphere and experience weightlessness. For now these trips are really expensive, but they are possible for very wealthy people.

astronaut on earth with a suitcase

5. Automated air traffic control

Finally, one of the most exciting ideas in the future of air travel is automated air traffic control. Instead of relying on human air traffic controllers, planes could communicate with each other and with automated systems to navigate through the skies. This could make air travel safer and more efficient, reducing delays and making it easier to manage air traffic during busy times.

air traffic over a map of the earth

6. Flying cars and motorbikes

That may sound like something from a movie, but flying cars are being made by some of the top companies.  They can fly for up to 40 minutes and go at up to 62 mph!  Watch this space (or look up) and you may see some soon.

flying motorbikes on display

The future of air travel is full of exciting possibilities. From electric planes to space tourism, there are many new ideas that could change the way we think about flying. While some of these ideas are still in the early stages, it's clear that air travel will continue to evolve and improve in the years to come.