
Published 27 July 2023

Growing plants in water

Can you grow plants in water? Watch this video to find out how spinach can be grown in water using hydroponics. If we think about new ways of growing food it will use less resources and be more energy efficient.

Growing plants in water is like having a magical garden without any soil! It's called "hydroponics," and it's super cool. 

Instead of planting seeds in the ground, we put the seeds in special containers filled with water and nutrients. 

The plants don't need to search for food like they do in soil; they just drink up all the yummy nutrients right from the water. 

It's like they have their own special juice to help them grow big and strong! We can watch the roots grow and see the plants thrive without getting our hands dirty. 

Plus, since the plants have everything they need right there in the water, they can grow faster and even produce more tasty fruits and veggies. 

Growing plants in water is a fantastic way to learn about nature and how plants grow, and it's lots of fun to see our leafy friends flourish!