
Published 27 July 2023

A Day in the Life of a Satellite Engineer

Hi there, my name is Maya and I'm a satellite engineer. My job is to design and build satellites that orbit around the Earth. Every day at work is different, but I'll give you an idea of what a typical day might look like for me.

  • satellite on tv screens
  • space engineer

Morning Routine and Satellite Design Progress

First thing in the morning, I check my email and see if any new issues have come up that need my attention. Then I have a meeting with the other engineers on my team to discuss the progress we're making on our current satellite project. We talk about any challenges we're facing and brainstorm ideas to overcome them.

After the meeting, I spend most of my day working on the satellite design. This involves a lot of computer work, using software to simulate the satellite's behaviour in space and make sure all the parts will work properly. I also spend time reviewing the designs of other engineers on my team, making sure everything fits together and works correctly.

satellite above earth

Testing Satellite's for Space Exploration

One of the most exciting parts of my job is testing the satellite before it's launched into space. We simulate the conditions the satellite will face in space and make sure everything still works as it should. This includes testing the satellite's communications system, its solar panels, and its instruments that collect data about the Earth.

satellite on tv screens

So why are satellites so important? 

Well, satellites play a huge role in our daily lives. They help us talk with people all around the world, like when we make a phone call or use the internet. They also help us navigate, like when we use GPS to find our way to a new place. Satellites even help us study the Earth, like when we use them to track weather patterns or monitor changes in the environment.

Without satellites, life on Earth would be very different. We wouldn't be able to communicate with people far away, and we would have a much harder time navigating and exploring. Satellites also help us to better understand and protect our planet, which is more important now than ever before.

person maintaining a satellite


Overall, working as a satellite engineer is exciting and challenging, and I'm proud to be part of a team that helps to make the world a better place through technology.