
Published 5 October 2023

A Day in the Life at a Vertical Farm

Vertical farms are shaking up the way we think about agriculture. These innovative facilities stack layers of plants in a controlled environment, using LED lighting and precise temperature and humidity control to grow fresh produce year-round. But what does a day in the life at a vertical farm actually look like?

  • vertical farmer and racks with plants
  • vertical farming racks with plants under LED lights
  • vertical farming racks with plants being cropped

About Farm Urban

See how Farm Urban Works

First tasks - checking the crops:

The day at a vertical farm starts early, with the team arriving before the sun comes up to check on the plants.

  • They inspect each layer of the farm.
  • They make sure that the LED lights are functioning properly and that the temperature and humidity levels are just right.
  • They also check for pests or disease and take action to prevent them from spreading.

farmer cropping lettuce

Next tasks - planting new crops

Next, the team begins the process of planting new seedlings. 

They use a variety of techniques to grow the plants instead of soil. 

This includes

  • hydroponics (growing without soil), 
  • aeroponics (growing in air), 
  • and aquaponics (growing in water).

They carefully select the right seeds for the growing conditions and monitor the seedlings as they take root.

farming growing shoots

Later in the day - monitoring and picking the crops

As the day goes on, the team:

  • Continues to monitor the plants.
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the lighting, temperature, and humidity.
  • Harvest any produce that is ready.
  • Wash and pack it before sending it off to local grocery stores and restaurants.
vertical farmers & racks with plants

Meet Paul Myers

Food for thought

Another important aspect of the vertical farm is the technology and data collection, sensors and cameras are used to track, measure and optimize the growth and sustainability. They use this data to improve the yield, as well as to make sure that the produce meets quality standards.

The day at a vertical farm is never dull, as there is always something happening, from planting new seedlings, to harvesting ripe produce, to monitoring the plants' growth and environment. The team works hard to ensure that the vertical farm is operating at its peak efficiency, so that they can provide the freshest and highest-quality produce to their customers.

It's important to know that vertical farms are not only about produce, it’s also about sustainability, this type of farming uses less water, pesticides, and energy than traditional farming, making it a more environmentally friendly choice for food production.

Overall, a day at a vertical farm is a challenging and rewarding experience that offers a glimpse into the future of agriculture. With the population growing and land becoming scarce, vertical farms are becoming an increasingly important part of our food system.